So a comment that I'm hearing ALOT lately is "I'm lovin that hairstyle/cut on have the perfect face for it"....but the CRAZY thing is, it'll be at weird when I'm sittin at home in my PJ's lookin like whodunit and why and someone comes to visit (family members or friends that haven't seen me since my BC).
What I'm getting to is....sometimes I have this confidence with my TWA where I'm like "ok people think it's cute so it MUST be cute." Or they'll be days when I'm ACTUALLY feeling it...but lately, and I dont kno if its cuz I've been watching too many YouTube videos featuring other naturalistas with BEAUTIFUL textures or what...but I just haven't been feeling my TWA. So most of the time I'll wear a headwrap in a bun....
But that's getting old because I only have a few colors and I'm getting tired of trying to match them...and ultimately wearing the same clothes...
I think a large part of the problem with my confidence comes from the dryness issue (see previous post). I just feel like a have "brillo-pad head". Seriously...And I don't know how to cure it. I haven't quite figured out which products my hair likes or dislikes just yet...but I DID find out yesterday that the Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Leave-In conditioner could be one of the main things that's drying my hair out. Which saddens me because I LOVE Carol's Daughter....
I also feel like my hair is at a standstill with the growth. I know, I know...I'm not even 2 months in yet. But you guys have to understand. I havent had a relaxer since MAY. I should a LOT more than less than an inch of hair right now...
I feel like I'm complaining. Don't wanna go there.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE being natural...I'm just a very impatient person. I know what u all are saying, "If you're impatient then you don't need to be embarking on this journey because the MAIN ingredient is patience." Well that's one of the main reasons I AM embarking on this journey, to learn to PRACTICE patience. For the most part its not all that hard. But when I see people that have been transitioning for the same amount of time as me and that did their BC at the same time as me, but they have TONS more growth than I do, it just discourages me.
I'm not gonna give up tho. Someone left me a comment saying that after the third month, the growth would come a lot faster....I hope she's right.
How do u newly naturalistas deal with your TWA confidence problems...?
So lately I've been noticing that my hair has been REALLY dry....
I don't co-wash my hair everyday...mayb every OTHER day. And my routine includes my shecoconut oil (shea butter/coconut oil/olive oil/rosemary oil), Miss Jessie's Buttercream, and Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Leave-In Conditioner.
I also make the mistake of not tying my hair up at night...but that's because A) I sleep crazy and the scarf will just come off ANYWAY, and B) the scarf usually leaves me waking up with a headache...
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to combat this hair dryness?? My hair feels so "crunchy" (as my aunt calls it) most of the time.... :(
Before I went natural, I wanted to try a texturizer because I was under the DUMB impression that it would make my relaxed hair curly. LOL....I was soon corrected. that I AM natural, and I know what a texturizer actually does, I kinda want to try it...
But I'm on the fence because I know it's a chemical...and being natural is supposed to mean free of chemical products (hence the word NATURAL).
But I just want to see what it does to my if it will soften it up or whatever.
Any thoughts?????
Well today was the first day that I wasn’t ashamed of my TWA.
I did my wash and go and added a little EcoStyler Gel to my edges to make them look nice, then I added a little yellow flower to the side (for presentation ;-)) and VOILA!
I went out and got SOO many compliments! So many people told me it was the perfect look for my face or that I had the perfect face for a short hairstyle. Which I knew already because my hair was already short, but I had never sported an afro before. I LOVE it tho. It makes me even more excited about my journey!!
Here are some pics:
First off, I wanna start off by saying that Shirai has officially quit on me…she got a perm. SMH...
Anyway…I was just on “vacation” in New York and I was staying with my aunt (who is ALSO a natural). And she introduced me to some new products. I’d heard of Miss Jessie’s™ before but I had never tried it. I didn’t even know where to get it. Anyway, my aunt uses the Curly Pudding®, the Curly Meringue®, and the Curly Buttercream®.
She let me try some of the Curly Buttercream® first and let me tell you…it’s FABULOUS!! It’s made with a cooling peppermint essence so it tingles once you put it on and it feels GREAT! It’s supposed to be good for 2 Strand Twists, Pony Puffs, Braids, Hairline Grooming Creme, Short Naturals and Fades, Growing out Natural Hair.
Then she let me try the Curly Pudding®, which I had heard a lot about and actually DID want to try. This stuff was really good too. I only tried it on a small portion of my hair and it made my curls pop! J The Curly Pudding® is supposed to transform kinks to curls…which it DOES.
She gave me her Curly Meringue® because she said it’s supposed to pretty much do the same thing as the Curly Pudding® and she didn’t need both. But I haven’t tried that yet. It’s supposed to be good for Fingerstyling, 2 Strand Twists, Spiral Rod Sets, Relaxed Hair seeking curly styling and Transitioners, Silkeners and Texturizers.
Yesterday I ordered my own Curly Buttercream® and Curly Pudding®. I got the smallest sizes since I don’t have much hair anyway.
So…so far I like these products. A lot of people probably wouldn’t use a few of these because they DO have parabens. But right now I’m not worried about that. I’m just trying to find something that works for my hair and this stuff does.
That's all for now!