Ok guys....scratch the deep conditioning treatment I made up the other day. Thanks to KinkyKurlyQueen, I found the BEST co-wash treatment!! A lot of you may have heard of it before. It's the Baking Soda treatment.
All you do is mix:
1 cup of Conditioner (I used Queen Helene's again...yea it's pretty much all gone LOL)
1/2 cup of baking soda
1 capful of EVOO
Apply to your hair evenly, cover with a plastic cap and a heated towel for about 30-45 minutes. Rinse out in the shower.
After I got out of the shower (and I usually do this EVERYTIME I get out of the shower), I applied a few drops of Rosemary oil DIRECTLY on my scalp, followed by my shea butter mix, then my Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Leave-In Conditioner.
I had to run out and go somewhere but I have no air in my car so I had the windows down which also happened to air dry my hair and OMG! My scalp felt AMAZING! I can now see why Rosemary oil promotes hair growth. My scalp was tingling but it was a good tingle. It felt like my scalp was just open..in a good way LOL. Anyway...after my hair had air dried completely I couldn't keep my hands out of it! It felt SO soft!
I will probably do this treatment about once every 2 weeks.
*You don't need to use shampoo because the baking soda itself is a natural cleansing agent.
Also...and update from yesterday's "Frustrated" entry. Well amazingly, after looking at my hair today, I don't know if I just got used to my TWA or what...but I think my hair really IS growing! I still think I should have a LOT more growth than this for 4 months without a perm.
That's all folks!
Today I was watching a few Youtube videos featuring other nappturalites. And I started to notice that alot of them had been transitioning for about the same amount of time I did before they did their big chop. But THEIR hair is MUCH longer than mine.
And it got me to thinking...I don't think my hair is growing...for some od reason. I've been using shea butter, rosemary oil...even MONISTAT! But nothing is working!! UGH!
Or maybe I'm just impatient....But I've been transitioning for about 4 months, my hair should NOT be the length of Solange's...I did my chop on the 17th and I didn't have much to chop being that my hair was ALREADY short...But I guess I'll wait until the 17th of September before I REALLY start getting pissed off...
I just REALLY hate my TWA and I'm tired of trying to find something to wear to match the only 3 scarves I have (which is one of the reasons why I cant WAIT to get to NY so I can go and find some African fabric and make scarves out of them).
Just a little late night rant for you guys....goodnite :-)
Conditioning/ Pre-poo treatment
So I had originally planned on doing an egg/mayo/olive oil protein treatment on my hair....but I went to go crack the egg, and the egg "white" was neon green. Yea. Needless to say I don't think those eggs were any good, so I didn't do THAT treatment.
Instead I made up another one. I put together a few ingredients I had in my kitchen and my hair products: Queen Helene deep conditioner, about 10-15 drops of Rosemary Oil ($7.99 from Whole Foods), a capful of EVOO, and a short pour (sorry I didn't measure it) of Spectrum Coconut Oil ($8.99 from Whole Foods). *Note: it was kind of on the oily side so I think I put too much Coconut Oil...so don't use much)
I applied it with an applicator brush and since I have a TWA I didn't need much. After I was done applying it, I kind of used the brush to massage it in my hair from side to side in kind of a scratching motion. *Scalp stimulation is crucial to promote hair growth.
I let it sit for about 45 minutes-an hour (I lost track of time cuz I was doing too many things) with a plastic cap on my head and for about 15 minutes I had a terry turban on top of the plastic cap (I heated up in the microwave for about 20 seconds at a time). Then I remembered something I read on Mane and Chic about aluminum foil while deep conditioning promoting hair growth, so I traded the turban for the aluminum foil (the turban wasn't staying hot anyway).
I washed it all out in the shower and my hair felt semi-soft after rinsing. Once I shampooed, it felt even SOFTER AND curlier. :-)
Then I just used my regular post-wash products: my shea butter moisturizing concoction followed by Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Leave-In Conditioner...oh and Monistat :-) LOL
So yea I think I'll be trying this alot from now on...maybe once a week or twice a month.
That's all kiddies!
Ok I just finished doing Shirai's hair. It ONLY took me 3 days :-/. Which is crazy cuz when I did my own it only took me 5-6 hours. But her's are longer and I haven't done someone ELSE's individual braids in a LOOOOONG time! Like YEARS!
Anyway...it looks aight considering im not a professional AND I did it for FREE LOL.
Also....back to the Monistat. I've been applying it all week and this is how. I mixed it with Doo Gro Medicated Hair Vitalizer Mega Thick Anti-Thinning Formula. The kind specifically for helping to thicken egdes and temples. I just cut up part of a Zip-Loc bag and mixed it together then cut a little hole at the bottom to dispense (kind of like a cake decorating bag). But I was talking to Think And Grow Chick and she just puts hers on straight up. I was thinking about doing it like that but I read that ur supposed to mix it. I think im gonna start doing it like that because I'm ready for MORE results! I'm dont like my TWA (next blog post).
Anyway...that's all for now kiddies!
Wish us luck!
Well that's about it....until next time...
So MY hair isn't long yet and I'm not really ready to try a lot of the routines or products that I'm seeing on all these blogs and youtubes and whatnot. But I keep coming across something that's peaking my interest. HENNA.
I'm not quite SURE of what it DOES to your hair exactly but I THINK I'm starting to get it. Apparently it's a chemical free(natural) dye that also strengthens your hair. I'm kind of wanting to try it. Not for the dye purposes but for the hair strengthening purposes.
A few weeks ago I was ALSO interested in Henna but for body art purposes. (I was feeling artsy).
Anyway, I found this website from the forums at NaturallyCurly.com that has REALLY caught my eye! I'm LOVING the products (not to mention the abundance of products) they have for sale. They are CHEAP too! The site is Mehandi.com.
However, apparently you can get some good hair henna at Whole Foods.
I think in a few months or so, if I remember, I might try it. When I do, of COURSE I'm gonna let you know how it goes!
I just finished doing Shirai's hair. Flat twist. I did her hair like that when were in Mexico since it was something simple that could cover her naps (he he he). So here are the pics:
And here is a pic of the products I used (the applicator bottle contains the moisturizing concoction--see previous post--I just bought a new bottle)
Let me know what you think!!
Ok Shirai is currently in the process of taking her braids out and she took a few pics of her hair so far. I'm SOOO hating on the texture!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!! (She's in denial about it tho...)My Aunt told me I should embrace my OWN texture and she's right...I'll love whatever texture I come out with (but HERS is the texture I can only DREAM of LOL...actually my aunt has a great texture too LOL)
And here is one of my staple products I'm starting off with (that I got from Nina). It's what I'm using to moisturize my hair...and trust me, it needs it BADLY! I used to always be scared to put grease in my hair and when I DID use oil I used a VERY minimal amount because I HATE stiff hair...and I didn't want it to be stuck in one spot over my neck (you know what I'm talkin about ladies...). So the mixture is basically just shea butter with cococunt oil and EVOO (but my grandmother only have Regular OO so I just used that bottle for photo purposes). I put all of that together in an applicator bottle and mix it up. You don't NEED to heat it up but I do because the shea butter won't come out thru the tip because of the consistency (nor will the coconut oil). So I just pop it in the microwave for about 30-40 seconds (and it STILL wont get hot so it's cool)... It makes your hair soft AND smell good :-)
That's all for tonite folks! Good nite!
So my first protective style (see glossary on the side if you are unfamiliar with certain terms), I decided, would be two-strand twists...done by ME! After my last few experience with braids done by the Africans, I decided that I'm not trusting ANYONE else with my hair but ME. Don't get me wrong, they do a BANGIN job, I just can't deal with the tightness and the breakage anymore (OR the attitudes...)
So I did my twists about a week ago. The back half and the sides are black (2) then a portion at the top is reddish (350). It was a little challenging being that it's my first time braiding my OWN hair (outside of cornrows that I actually havent done in a WHILE) AND it was my first time doing THESE types of braids. But IMO it looks pretty good! I had to recently redo the sides because it didn't look full enough. But now it looks fab... :-)These are pics from the first night I did it and the night after when I went out. As you can see in the last pic it's not very full...I fixed that.
I'll be back later with instructions on how I did it and what I used. I'm out of town right now and all of my supplies are at home so I can't post pics right now.
Lemme kno what ya think!
Welcome everyone to my new blog!
This blog will be solely focused on my natural hair journey...AKA my TRANSITION :-)
I started going natural...hmm it's hard to say when. I OFFICALLY made the decision about a month ago (July 2009). But I've been without a relaxer since May 2009.
Big chop...LOL...well I didn't really need much of a big chop YET because my hair was already short. Not to mention in bad shape (from the micros I just took out)
This is a pic of my hair JUST after I took my micros out and after I cut a good portion of my relaxed hair off.This is a pic of the damage the micros did to my edges!! AHHHH!!! No worries...it's getting better. :-)
My sister Shirai is ALSO going natural. Her hair texture is SOO much better than mine *sad face*. I think she got the Indian genes of the family. Bah. Anyway, I cant WAIT to see how her hair is gonna turn out once it grows.
We're new to this so if you are natural or are GOING natural, feel free to post your comments, give advice, correct me when I'm wrong about sumthing LOL (I don't mind...it only helps me learn between right and wrong)...whatever...mi casa es su casa! :-)
Anyway...this is just the beginning ladies and gentlemen! Stay tuned...