Today I was watching a few Youtube videos featuring other nappturalites. And I started to notice that alot of them had been transitioning for about the same amount of time I did before they did their big chop. But THEIR hair is MUCH longer than mine.
And it got me to thinking...I don't think my hair is growing...for some od reason. I've been using shea butter, rosemary oil...even MONISTAT! But nothing is working!! UGH!
Or maybe I'm just impatient....But I've been transitioning for about 4 months, my hair should NOT be the length of Solange's...I did my chop on the 17th and I didn't have much to chop being that my hair was ALREADY short...But I guess I'll wait until the 17th of September before I REALLY start getting pissed off...
I just REALLY hate my TWA and I'm tired of trying to find something to wear to match the only 3 scarves I have (which is one of the reasons why I cant WAIT to get to NY so I can go and find some African fabric and make scarves out of them).
Just a little late night rant for you guys....goodnite :-)
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