Conditioning/ Pre-poo treatment

By Jessica on 3:35 PM

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So I had originally planned on doing an egg/mayo/olive oil protein treatment on my hair....but I went to go crack the egg, and the egg "white" was neon green. Yea. Needless to say I don't think those eggs were any good, so I didn't do THAT treatment.

Instead I made up another one. I put together a few ingredients I had in my kitchen and my hair products: Queen Helene deep conditioner, about 10-15 drops of Rosemary Oil ($7.99 from Whole Foods), a capful of EVOO, and a short pour (sorry I didn't measure it) of Spectrum Coconut Oil ($8.99 from Whole Foods). *Note: it was kind of on the oily side so I think I put too much Coconut don't use much)

I applied it with an applicator brush and since I have a TWA I didn't need much. After I was done applying it, I kind of used the brush to massage it in my hair from side to side in kind of a scratching motion. *Scalp stimulation is crucial to promote hair growth.

I let it sit for about 45 minutes-an hour (I lost track of time cuz I was doing too many things) with a plastic cap on my head and for about 15 minutes I had a terry turban on top of the plastic cap (I heated up in the microwave for about 20 seconds at a time). Then I remembered something I read on Mane and Chic about aluminum foil while deep conditioning promoting hair growth, so I traded the turban for the aluminum foil (the turban wasn't staying hot anyway).

I washed it all out in the shower and my hair felt semi-soft after rinsing. Once I shampooed, it felt even SOFTER AND curlier. :-)

Then I just used my regular post-wash products: my shea butter moisturizing concoction followed by Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Leave-In Conditioner...oh and Monistat :-) LOL

So yea I think I'll be trying this alot from now on...maybe once a week or twice a month.

That's all kiddies!

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