Shirai's Two Strand Twists

By Jessica on 12:21 PM

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Ok I just finished doing Shirai's hair. It ONLY took me 3 days :-/. Which is crazy cuz when I did my own it only took me 5-6 hours. But her's are longer and I haven't done someone ELSE's individual braids in a LOOOOONG time! Like YEARS! looks aight considering im not a professional AND I did it for FREE LOL.

Also....back to the Monistat. I've been applying it all week and this is how. I mixed it with Doo Gro Medicated Hair Vitalizer Mega Thick Anti-Thinning Formula. The kind specifically for helping to thicken egdes and temples. I just cut up part of a Zip-Loc bag and mixed it together then cut a little hole at the bottom to dispense (kind of like a cake decorating bag). But I was talking to Think And Grow Chick and she just puts hers on straight up. I was thinking about doing it like that but I read that ur supposed to mix it. I think im gonna start doing it like that because I'm ready for MORE results! I'm dont like my TWA (next blog post).

Anyway...that's all for now kiddies!

1 comments for this post

Great post! You've inspired my inner chemist...I think I might give the monistat another go! Mixing it in a bag and cutting a whole out of the bottom is genius! I never thought of that; that's part of the reason why I just applied it straight up—I had no containers to put a monstat mix in. I'll be very interested to see how your hair turns out. I think you're in a perfect position because you have a TWA; if your hair really does start to grow faster, it'll be really obvious. Good luck and thanks for the shout out ;-)

Posted on August 22, 2009 at 1:03 PM  

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